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May 21, 2024

City of Columbus Rules and Trash / Recycling Schedule

To keep Westborough beautiful please put all cans out no earlier than the evening prior to pick-up and return to your patio by the evening following pick-up. All garbage / recycling must be inside cans and please do not put garbage in other Resident garbage or recycling can.

Garbage (Green Cart)

Trash Collection Day can be found at Trash Pick-U Look-Up or by calling 311. The week after an observed holiday the Collection Day will be extended one day, if your collection day falls on or after the holiday, your collection will be delayed one day. (Friday collections will be picked up on Saturday).

Recycling (Blue cart)

Recycling Collection Day can be found on the link above and will also extend a day after a holiday. Acceptable Recyclable items:

  • Aluminum cups and aluminum or steel cans - and lids.
  • Flattened cardboard and pizza boxes (free of food and grease).
  • Plastic bottles/jugs/tubs(butter, yogurt, deli, ice cream, dipping).
  • Clear plastic cups, paper cups, newspaper, magazines, catalogs, junk mail, computer paper, cereal and other dry food boxes and phone books.
  • Glass bottles and jars (remove lids).
  • Cartons and juice boxes.

Click here for more information

Bulk Items

No bulk items will be collected unless the resident schedules collection online through 311 or calls (614) 645-3111. Some large items cannot be thrown away because they are too big to fit in your trash container. Residents should contact the City's 311 Customer Service Center to schedule bulk items by calling 311 or (614) 645-3111, or online at our 311.

Bulk items include, but are not limited to:

  • Furniture
  • Carpet
  • Non-refrigerant appliances
  • Mattresses

To keep your Westborough community beautiful, we ask residents to please put carts back at the appropriate apartment patio by the end of the trash pick-up day. The Westborough Rules and Regulations will have most of the information you will need regarding your community, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns

Bulk item pick-up requests and any additional information about trash and recycling visit City of Columbus Trash Schedule.

Thank you!